Real Understanding of Grace

Many faith traditions teach that God’s grace is a gift meant for all not so, It’s only offered to those who want to restore thier relationship back to TMH. Grace offers forgiveness and redemption from sin, allowing individuals to exercise faith and hope even in their darkest moments. We have many examples of grace in the bible that we can get true understanding of it. Like the story of the Prodigal Son, found in the Gospel of Luke. This parable tells of a young man who demands his inheritance his inheritance is the laws of TMH and he squanders it on reckless living meaning instead of living a life pleasing to TMH. His focus was pleasing his flesh but when a severe famine arises, he finds himself destitute and decides to return home, hoping to be treated as a hired servant. Meaning in his mind he was thinking he wouldn’t be worthy of the inhertance giving to him from the very beginning. However, his father sees him from a distance and runs to embrace him, filled with compassion. Instead of reprimanding his son, the father joyfully welcomes him back, ordering a feast to celebrate his return. That Feast is What ? The New Convenant under the direction of The Master who shows us how we can connect back to TMH through his blood. This powerful story exemplifies the boundless grace of God, giving us true understanding that no matter how far one strays, there is always the opportunity for forgiveness and reconciliation. It emphasizes that grace is freely given, if you confess and turn away from sin using The Master as an example that we should follow. And reflecting the unconditional love that God has for all His sons and daughters.

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